Chess team 1961 – 62

from Dylan Morgan

1962 Chess Team

In the back row third from the left is Jim Stephens. Jim died in 2004 at the relatively young at the age of 61. He left school to read law at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and then went to Jesus College, Cambridge for an LLB. He was a lecturer at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1967–70) and Bristol University (1970–72) and a lecturer and senior lecturer at University College, London (1972–2004). Readers wishing to know more about Jim’s career should visit his page on the Former Pupils section of this website. Biographical details of J. Dylan Morgan who died in 2011, and of David Roberts can also be found in that section.

The photograph above was taken for a report which was published in the Aberdare Leader. You can see the original picture and account written by Jim Stephens below:

Aberdare Leader Report